Milestones & Progress Check-In CAREER PROGRESS REVIEW SEMI-ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEWEMPLOYEE NAMEEMPLOYEE IDDOJ (dd-mm-yyyy)REVIEWER NAMEPOSITION HELDREVIEWER TITLEREVIEW PERIODREVIEWED DATEPERSONALIZED REVIEWEmployee or Reviewer Employee Reviewer1. Self-AssessmentRate your productivity, quality, attendance, team player skills, participation in team meetings, and communication skills during this review period. (1 - Poor, 5 - Excellent)Productivity:PoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellentQuality:PoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellentAttendance: PoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellentTeam Player:PoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellentTeam Meetings: PoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellentCommunication (Written & Verbal): PoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellent2. Job SatisfactionHow satisfied are you with your current role? (1 - Not Satisfied, 5 - Very Satisfied)Not SatisfiedSomewhat DissatisfiedNeutralSatisfiedVery SatisfiedWhat aspects of your job do you enjoy the most?What areas of your job do you find challenging or unsatisfactory? 3. Work EnvironmentRate the overall work environment. (1 - Poor, 5 - Excellent)PoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellentDo you feel valued and respected at work? Why or why not? Any workplace improvements you would suggest? 4. Support and Management: Rate the support from your Team Leader. (1 - Poor, 5 - Excellent)PoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellentWhat can management do to better support you? Choose Your departmentDepartment EV PA Data Entry Charges & Payments AR QualityJuly# of EVs Quality RateAttendance RateAugust# of EVs Quality RateAttendance RateSeptember# of EVs Quality RateAttendance RateOctober# of EVs Quality RateAttendance RateNovember# of EVs Quality RateAttendance RateDecember# of EVs Quality RateAttendance RateJuly# of PAsQuality RateAttendance RateApproval RateAugust# of PAsQuality RateAttendance RateApproval RateSeptember# of PAsQuality RateAttendance RateApproval RateOctober# of PAsQuality RateAttendance RateApproval RateNovember# of PAsQuality RateAttendance RateApproval RateDecember# of PAsQuality RateAttendance RateApproval RateJuly# of Patients Data EnteredQuality RateAttendance RateAugust# of Patients Data EnteredQuality RateAttendance RateSeptember# of Patients Data EnteredQuality RateAttendance RateOctober# of Patients Data EnteredQuality RateAttendance RateNovember# of Patients Data EnteredQuality RateAttendance RateDecember# of Patients Data EnteredQuality RateAttendance RateJulyCharges Sent out Daily for Assigned ClinicsRejection Rate for their Assigned Clinics Payments Posted Daily for Assigned ClinicsAttendance RateAugustCharges Sent out Daily for Assigned ClinicsRejection Rate for their Assigned Clinics Payments Posted Daily for Assigned ClinicsAttendance RateSeptemberCharges Sent out Daily for Assigned ClinicsRejection Rate for their Assigned Clinics Payments Posted Daily for Assigned ClinicsAttendance RateOctoberCharges Sent out Daily for Assigned ClinicsRejection Rate for their Assigned Clinics Payments Posted Daily for Assigned ClinicsAttendance RateNovemberCharges Sent out Daily for Assigned ClinicsRejection Rate for their Assigned Clinics Payments Posted Daily for Assigned ClinicsAttendance RateDecemberCharges Sent out Daily for Assigned ClinicsRejection Rate for their Assigned Clinics Payments Posted Daily for Assigned ClinicsAttendance RateJulyReduction in AR MoM of their Assigned Clinics# of Patients Worked by DayRebills %Attendance RateAugustReduction in AR MoM of their Assigned Clinics# of Patients Worked by DayRebills %Attendance RateSeptemberReduction in AR MoM of their Assigned Clinics# of Patients Worked by DayRebills %Attendance RateOctoberReduction in AR MoM of their Assigned Clinics# of Patients Worked by DayRebills %Attendance RateNovemberReduction in AR MoM of their Assigned Clinics# of Patients Worked by DayRebills %Attendance RateDecemberReduction in AR MoM of their Assigned Clinics# of Patients Worked by DayRebills %Attendance RateJulyEV Review RateQuality RateAttendance RateQuality Improvement of their Assigned Team MembersAugustEV Review RateQuality RateAttendance RateQuality Improvement of their Assigned Team MembersSeptemberEV Review RateQuality RateAttendance RateQuality Improvement of their Assigned Team MembersOctoberEV Review RateQuality RateAttendance RateQuality Improvement of their Assigned Team MembersNovemberEV Review RateQuality RateAttendance RateQuality Improvement of their Assigned Team MembersDecemberEV Review RateQuality RateAttendance RateQuality Improvement of their Assigned Team MembersSubmit